Sunday, 31 July 2016

Wildflower bouquet - Tutorial.


Material required:
  • 5mm quilling strips
  • Quilling tool
  • Colour paper
  • Fevicol

Before you begin put on your positive patience pants on ...and then chant this mantra "Be patient with yourself, nothing in nature blooms all year".

                              ::  Procedure  ::

STEP 1: Roll circles using dark pink strips & leaf shapes using light pink strips. Use 1 strip for each circle and leaf. 

                                   STEP 2: THE PETAL!
Place the light pink leaf in between the circles. Join and glue 'em together as shown above. Take half a dark pink strip and wrap it around the petal.

      Make 15 such petals for 5 per flower. Join and stick 'em.

           STEP 4: A BIT OF GREEN!!

Cut out leaves and stem and as my green color paper was dull, I colored it to make it bright.

           STEP 5: LIL TOUCH UP!!
Cut out yellow strips , join and glue 3 together. Roll the ends and make swirls, add rhinestone in the middle or you can just make a dot using sketch pens.

              STEP 6: ARRANGEMENT!!

Once your done with the components, its time to arrange & stick 'em.
*TIP* Crease the leaves, gives it a edgy look and push the petals upward after sticking, it stand out.


So that is how its done. Once your're done with it ,give yourself a pat on the back and sit back and admire your work. Oh! and do share it with me..